I need it. I am a compulsive hoarder. There. I've said it. Granted, I've said it to an audience that is not likely to respond.
I keep everything. Okay, not everything. But I keep way too much. And it's everywhere! My counters and furniture are covered with the stuff. Things that should not be there. Clothes that need repair, socks with holes, containers that *could* come in handy.
I have bags of stuff that I've bought, that are still sitting around in bags!
I have boxes and boxes of things that I *might* use someday.
My house is always messy. I never invite anyone over. Including my kids' friends. It's terrible.
Mike is sick of it. He says all the clutter is making him physically ill. He's so unhappy about it.
I'm not happy either.
I need to do something, but what?