for the ultrasound on Friday. Everyone keeps asking me if it's a girl or a boy. I don't know yet. After 3 boys, we are hoping for a girl. But mostly I hope for a healthy baby. I'm sure I'd take a perfectly healthy boy over a miserably sick girl... but I am glad I don't have to choose.
I can't help but speculate about what frilly things I'll buy, what color to paint (pink or lavender), and whether I'll put flowers on the curtains... if it's a girl.
I've been terribly good so far. I haven't bought a single thing. This is amazing restraint if you consider that I have been well within the return policy of the stores for months now. I just didn't want to have to find the perfect dress only to have to give it away or take it back. I don't have any impending nieces this time, so I would be sure I wouldn't see whatever darling thing I found again. I will wait, but it's harder than it was waiting for christmas as a kid. The anticipation is just killing me!