Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Tonight's enrichment was about makeovers. They talked about being healthy, makeup, hair (I missed that part), clothes, and inner beauty.
Laura talked about inner beauty, and started by putting up on the chalkboard 3 things:
She then listed her own. I think they'll probably be burned into my memory forever. I couldn't believe she'd done that! Then Shauna volunteered. She's tiny. Then I volunteered. I heard a great chorus of "But she's pregnant!"
So? So what if I'm pregnant? That adds a bump in the middle and a very few pounds elsewhere. It's not like the baby is 100, and the rest is me! That and my size hasn't changed. I've long since come to terms with the fact that I'm no stick girl. Never have been, never will be. I'm a big beautiful woman. And after having so many functions of my body taken away from me, I will never again take it for granted. It's amazing that I can breathe, eat, and walk... and someday run again.
Besides any body that can manage to make 4 beautiful boys (as I'm sure the last will be too) must be a wonderous thing.
Oh yeah, it's a boy.