Wednesday, August 12, 2009

B-day, Seattle & boats...

So this time I’ll start with Michael. Michael’s Birthday was on the 3rd. We have done a ton of stuff for him – including the trip to Albuquerque. On the day of his birthday all we did was let him play computer as much as he wanted (no chores required), and took him to Chuck-a-rama. His choice. I told him he could have lunch anywhere he wanted – and that’s what he picked. Mike even condescended to come, and was the only one who didn’t enjoy it. Michael was very sweet & understanding when I had to take a nap after lunch, and didn’t feel well enough to take him swimming. I promised I would take him swimming later that week when we went to Seattle. What a sweet son he has become!

Michael has been delighting in prompting Nathaniel to say things. In truth, we all do. I just loved the most recent one:
Michael: “Heavenly Father…”
Thaniel: “Hea Fah-er…”
Michael: “Thank you for this food”
Thaniel: “Dant oo foo…”
Michael: “Please bless it…”
Thaniel: “Peaz bess”
Michael: “In the name of Jesus Christ…”
Thaniel: “MEN!”
I love how on his Michael decided to prompt Nathaniel to say a prayer, and that Nathaniel already knew the order!

Michael has advanced in scouts. He’s no longer a wolf, he’s a bear (Rawr, mama!). Yesterday was the pack meeting. As a part of that they held a “Raingutter Rigatta” where the boys could race the boats that they made in some raingutters. Michael did very well, and won a lot of the races. And joy of joys – they gave out goldfish to not just the winners, but everyone! So now we have 2 goldfish.
Mike is constantly working on his truuuck. And if you’ve ever heard him talk about it, you’d know that , yes, it does have that many U’s in it. He was so excited this week to find a part to fix the leaky gas tank. One problem down, several hundred to go. He hasn’t done any work on the basement lately, partly because he’s finally gotten another Tech in his shop, and he’s been traveling all over with him to get the guy started up. Mike also helped Michael with his boat. I think Mike was more excited about shaping & engineering the boat than Michael was. Mike even raced one of the other dads after the boys were done. Mike won the first time, then they of course had to race again, and Paul won. So it was a tie. Oh- and Mike found my camera for me tonight– it was in my desk drawer that I’ve only searched ten times! I suspect it had help leaving and getting back, but I suppose I’ll never know for sure… I guess I owe him that quarter. :)
Joshua has been spending a lot of time playing with Michael and Nathaniel. He played connect 4 with his Aunt Liza today, and kept winning – mostly because he would tell her not to play – or he would play several discs at once. It was funny. I think Josh enjoyed our trip to Seattle the most out of all the boys. He loved the playground and the pool, and watching cartoon network. The hardest part was leaving one activity to go to another! He loves his new goldfish, and has named him John. I’ve warned the boys that the fish will only live for about a week. We’ll have to see how long they really last in pickle jars.
I had a grand time in Seattle too. We were only there for a couple of days, but it was enough to get our fill of cool weather, swimming, and hot chocolate and cookies. Who would have thought we’d actually want hot chocolate in August? But with temperatures below 70 degrees, we were glad of a cup after the park.
I got the kids registered for school today. I’m both glad and sad they’re going back to school. I love that they’ll be learning stuff, but it seems this summer has just gone by too quickly, and I wish that they’d had more time to simply play.
We’re still not ready for the baby, but now we have some prospective middle names… maybe. And to my relief Mike found the crib parts, so at least he’ll have somewhere to sleep.
Thaniel is saying more syllables, and grasping the meaning of more words. I admit to being guilty as any of them for prompting. I love hearing him say, “Mama’s gorgeous, Mama’s beautiful, Mama’s pretty, Mama’s cute!” (Sense a theme here?) He knows now what share means – it means if you have a toy, give it up. If your brothers have a toy, and you yell, “share!” they will give it to you. On Sunday when I asked Thaniel if he wanted breakfast he surprised me by not only saying yes, but asking specifically for, “saus –ich!” So I made him some sausage. How could I not?

Friday, July 31, 2009

To ABQ, and beyond!

I’ll start with Nathaniel this week. Nathaniel loved playing with his cousins, and their toys. He loved pushing the empty doll stroller around, I’m sure because it had wheels, and he really loved the talking phonics schoolbus. So much so, that he tried desperately to get us to bring it home! He’s talking more and more. The boys delight in having him repeat after them. He’s been surprising us with what he mimics too. In the car ride home from the airport I played the usual game of “1, 2, 3… Quiet!” to get the boys to stop talking so loud. We were then surprised when Nathaniel chimed in right after, “un, to, fee, twite!” Deborah and I just burst into laughter. So much for that game! Oh, and one more funny, Nathaniel decided that our milk was not flavorful enough, I guess. So he decided to add some ingredients to it. When Mike went to pour it on his cereal, he complained there was already cereal in the milk! I laughed and took the milk to the sink and got a gallon pitcher to pour out the rattling jug into. I found 4 Reese’s Puffs, 3 cheerios, 2 plastic utensils, and a stylus to a Nintendo DS. Sounds a little like a redneck Christmas song, right?

Joshua had a fun time in Albuquerque too. He liked most playing the computer games with his cousins. He LOVED the primary activity – and kept telling me of sewing on the buttons and going on the wagon rides. He also loved getting out all the toys and games Deborah had hidden away. He found a game set that had checkers, chess, Chinese checkers & mancala pieces. While he and the cousins like playing with it, they were often distraught that Nathaniel would scatter the pieces and then try to eat them.

Michael, for whom we made the “birthday” trip so he could see his cousins, spent most of the time on his aunt’s computer. It didn’t help that the poor guy had a very high fever for the first 3 days we were there. But once he got over the fever, he went right to what he really wanted to do: play more computer. I told Deborah that I think Michael would very much miss her computer! I keep asking him what he wants for his birthday, but all he tells me are activities. He doesn’t seem to want any toys. Maybe I’ll just have to take him to the toy aisle at a store to see if that’s really true…

Mike came with us on this trip and fixed the Newren’s sprinklers. He and Elijah spent all morning fixing them, but mostly running to and from stores for parts, or returning things. Then I told Elijah about Mike’s offer to help him carry in a freezer if he wanted to buy one. Deborah’s been wanting a chest freezer for quite some time. That, apparently, was all Elijah had been waiting for. He and Mike spent hours measuring & pricing freezers, until they found the perfect one. They brought it home triumphantly only to find it had a huge dent in the lid! They took it back, and had to go to another store to find a decent one. This one had scratches and dents too, but they weren’t willing to make yet another trip. I can’t say that I blame them! I’d be tired after 4 hours of shopping too, especially following all the digging they did earlier!

Mike also managed to glue one of the chairs back together that had been wobbly. He told me a few more things he wanted to fix the next time he came… Deborah told me she thought it was funny that Mike wanted to fix everything in their house, but I know Mike. He wants to fix things because he likes that feeling of accomplishment when things are fixed, and he got to do it on somebody else’s (grateful) dime!

Deborah and I thought it VERY funny that the men were out shopping all Saturday while we stayed home with the kids. We thought it should have been the other way around, except for what they were shopping for!

I surprised myself this week by overcoming my fears a little more. I hate driving places I don’t know, and I hate driving cars I’m not familiar with. But to do both is just terrifying! I almost NEVER drive out of state. I always make Mike. But when it was time for Mike to go on Monday I decided it was time to swallow my fears (a little) and take him to the airport myself. Albuquerque roads are pretty straightforward, and the signs were very clear. Elijah’s car was new to me, but I had driven it once or twice (a long time ago) before. And I did it! I did bring the Tom-tom (it’s nice to have a security blanket, just in case) but I didn’t have to look at it. Then, after that accomplishment, a few days later I surprised Deborah (she knows my aversions) by saying I would drive so we could all go to the park at the same time, and she wouldn’t have to make 2 trips. We had a good time at the park, even though it was very hot. Then to top this off, I left the park before her, and went to a local gas station to get my kids a slushy drink – by myself! I know it doesn’t seem like much, and I was never far from Elijah’s home, but it was a big step for me. Maybe the next time I go I’ll actually be confident enough to drive somewhere really fun with Deborah.

On another note, the pregnancy is progressing just fine, and I don’t have anything more than common minor problems that most pregnant women deal with. Woohoo! Only 52 days to go!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Anyone seen my mind?

I have a changing "table" in my laundry room . It comes in handy to use the counter right next to the laundry sink to change the babies, because if they're too messy, you can just plop them in the sink and give them a quick bath. The problem is that Nathaniel likes to pull everything else on the counter into the bath with him. After loosing the umpteenth diaper to a bath, I decided to put them out of reach. Problem solved.

Then the next day I was changing Nathaniel, and couldn't find any diapers in the laundry room! I quickly called for Michael, and when he came in, gave him instructions to get diapers from upstairs - HURRY!! Then Nathaniel giggled and pointed up and said, "Di-ers!"
I looked where he was pointing, and sure enough, there were the diapers on the high shelf, right where I'd put them. I giggled with him. Silly mommy. Maybe someday I'll be as smart as my baby.

I knew that my babies were taking all my brain cells, but I didn't know they were taking my memory too.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer doldrums

I miss school. I never thought that would happen, but I do. I miss the kids getting up at a reasonable hour - at the same time – and getting themselves ready for the day. I miss the structure, and being able to shop for an hour without 2 extra kids in tow. I miss not feeling guilty that they were wasting the day. They definitely do that now. I’ve been so lazy. I’d say it’s because I’m pregnant and I feel crappy (which is true) but I know other women who are pregnant don’t let their families go to pot. I had this grandiose idea that I’d set out their “summer learning” and a note about chores, and they’d do their work, chores, and be clean and ready for the day, including having eaten breakfast by a reasonable hour…. Everyday. Yeah, well that hasn’t happened. I did it last summer, but it takes work to write up the note, put out the homework, come up with a chore, come up with a possible reward, AND worst of all carry through with the reward. I used rewards like going to the park, or ikea, or Mcdonalds playplace, or playing a game last year. This year I’m just too pooped! I just want a nap! I have no incentive to get my kids up and going early most days, except that I want to go to bed early as well as sleep in, and that’s hard to do when you hear the pitter patter of untired little feet sneaking about.

On another pregnancy related note, I soon won’t be able to travel with Mike anymore, and it’s probably a good thing. Pregnancy seems to have eaten up my brain. Maybe my body decided that it didn’t have enough raw material to make a new baby brain, and it would just be easier to plunder my head directly, or maybe I’m just so sleep deprived I’ll never regain my short-term memory. (you try sleeping with a 30 lb. basketball strapped to your tummy!) Whatever the case, I can’t remember things worth a darn... On this last trip to San Jose I forgot only 2 (crucial) things: Diapers, and MY swimsuit. It turned out ok though. I used swim diapers to hold Thaniel over during the day (thank heavens I remember the spare outfit!), and Mike was able to go with us to swim. I was sad though, because if I had remembered my suit I could have gotten in the pool with all of them, and perhaps gone back later in the evening for a night swim with the boys when we wouldn’t have had to worry about sunblock.

On a similar note… I can’t find my camera. I’ll give a quarter to the first person who can find it for me… :)

Michael is my great little helper right now. He loves playing on the computer, and is willing to help out a great deal, but even more so when I promise him computer time for it. He says his favorite part about summer is to go swimming in the hotel.

Josh also loves the swimming, and began asking when we’d get to the pool before we even left the house to get on the airplane for the hotel pool.

Thaniel is becoming quite the little chatterbox. He will often (but not always) attempt to repeat what you ask him to say. He’s also started talking in sentences in the last few weeks, although not all things he says are “real words”. The funniest part is sometimes everything he says is just babble to me, and he’ll look at me expectantly waiting for my response, verbal or otherwise. Sometimes he gets mad at me for not understanding him, and I just have to tell him I’m sorry that mama’s not smart enough. One of his favorite phrases is “Mah-tee pay bang!” Roughly translated this is “Michael, play bang!”
“Bang” is what Thaniel calls trackmania – a racecar driving/ track building computer game. He’ll often call for Josh to “pay bang!” too. The boys are all to happy to ask mama if they can please make Thaniel happy by playing the game for him.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

School's out forever!

I’m going to try to start blogging a little more often, to keep our family &friends more up-to-date on our lives.

Mike has been repairing the basement. We are finally at the stage where he is able to put up sheetrock. So far he has done 2 rooms, and is working on the family room right now – by himself. Way to go Mike! Looking good! (and the basement is coming along nicely too.)

I have been in nesting phase hardcore. I have completely cleaned out 3 rooms so far, and have plans to move the toys upstairs so the boys have somewhere to play out of Mike’s way. I am glad that school is out, and plan on subjecting my kids to “summer learning” so their brains don’t rot entirely with all the mindless TV & computer games. My pregnancy is progressing well, and my due date has been moved to September 21st.

Michael is officially out of school today. He has worked very hard this year, and has learned and accomplished much. I am so proud of him. He also loves telling jokes, and has come up with some good original “knock knock” jokes.

Joshua has been enjoying being out of school this week. He has learned & grown so much this year. He’s becoming quite a good reader. He is also becoming such a good helper (after he overcomes his complaints and excuses). He surprised me this week by getting breakfast for Nathaniel – without my asking! Both Nathaniel and I were very grateful.

Nathaniel is talking more than ever. He loves mimicking us so that we will laugh for him. Whenever we start telling “knock-knock” jokes, he chimes in with, “not-not, who’s der?” He loves going outside to play (loves his “Baw” – ball) and will stand by the door yelling, “MAMA! MAMAaaaaaaaaa!!! ‘Side!” until I let him out. And joy of joys, he is sleeping in his own bed! Granted, Mama has to stand guard until he goes to sleep, but he stays there all night and everyone is sleeping better for it. We just moved his bed into the room with his 2 older brothers, so we’ll have to hope that this new arrangement will not disturb his 3-day sleep pattern. Keep your fingers crossed everyone!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Tonight's enrichment was about makeovers. They talked about being healthy, makeup, hair (I missed that part), clothes, and inner beauty.
Laura talked about inner beauty, and started by putting up on the chalkboard 3 things:
She then listed her own. I think they'll probably be burned into my memory forever. I couldn't believe she'd done that! Then Shauna volunteered. She's tiny. Then I volunteered. I heard a great chorus of "But she's pregnant!"
So? So what if I'm pregnant? That adds a bump in the middle and a very few pounds elsewhere. It's not like the baby is 100, and the rest is me! That and my size hasn't changed. I've long since come to terms with the fact that I'm no stick girl. Never have been, never will be. I'm a big beautiful woman. And after having so many functions of my body taken away from me, I will never again take it for granted. It's amazing that I can breathe, eat, and walk... and someday run again.
Besides any body that can manage to make 4 beautiful boys (as I'm sure the last will be too) must be a wonderous thing.
Oh yeah, it's a boy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

can't wait

for the ultrasound on Friday. Everyone keeps asking me if it's a girl or a boy. I don't know yet. After 3 boys, we are hoping for a girl. But mostly I hope for a healthy baby. I'm sure I'd take a perfectly healthy boy over a miserably sick girl... but I am glad I don't have to choose.

I can't help but speculate about what frilly things I'll buy, what color to paint (pink or lavender), and whether I'll put flowers on the curtains... if it's a girl.

I've been terribly good so far. I haven't bought a single thing. This is amazing restraint if you consider that I have been well within the return policy of the stores for months now. I just didn't want to have to find the perfect dress only to have to give it away or take it back. I don't have any impending nieces this time, so I would be sure I wouldn't see whatever darling thing I found again. I will wait, but it's harder than it was waiting for christmas as a kid. The anticipation is just killing me!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I need it. I am a compulsive hoarder. There. I've said it. Granted, I've said it to an audience that is not likely to respond.
I keep everything. Okay, not everything. But I keep way too much. And it's everywhere! My counters and furniture are covered with the stuff. Things that should not be there. Clothes that need repair, socks with holes, containers that *could* come in handy.
I have bags of stuff that I've bought, that are still sitting around in bags!
I have boxes and boxes of things that I *might* use someday.
My house is always messy. I never invite anyone over. Including my kids' friends. It's terrible.
Mike is sick of it. He says all the clutter is making him physically ill. He's so unhappy about it.
I'm not happy either.
I need to do something, but what?