Thursday, August 21, 2008

Irony and taking steps!

Michael & Joshua started school today. In order pry the information that I usually don’t get from them I resorted to asking absurd questions. I don’t remember all of them, but at one point I fell back to the usual of at least trying to find out what Michael ate.

“What did you eat for lunch? Worms?”

“Mama! No! I had applesauce, grapes, and even watermelon…”

He went on, but that was obviously the highlight of his day. I fear for his future. Is it possible to have a job where all you do is eat? I’d say he could be a critic, but that would assume he would actually eat NEW foods.

Although in that case, Joshua is an even less likely candidate. Unless of course I go with him and he eats what I’ve ordered. Why is it that whatever Mama is having is so much more appealing that whatever she cooked for the kid? And things he declares ‘yucky’ when on his plate are simply irresistible on mamas?

Ah the irony.

And the irony continues. I asked Mike to travel lots this summer so we could go with him. He took vacation and just stayed home. And now that the boys are in school again, and it would be difficult, if not impossible, for me to go, he’s gone again.

But on a more positive note, Nathaniel is progressing. A few weeks ago he first started standing on his own. Today, while he was doing just that near me, he reached for me and took a step. I was delighted, so naturally I moved away from him. He was upset, but took one more step and then grabbed my hand. We repeated this little dance for a few more minutes. Batten down the hatches it won't be long now!

Of course, just becuase he'll be walking doesn't mean he will be any more hazardous. He already empties the trash (onto the floor!), the cupboards, and all my laundry baskets. (Mama! Let's play guess which ones are clean or dirty now?)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cake, check. Candles, check. Braincells.... ???

Today didn't go exactly like I imagined it would. I guess I imagined Michael would want what I had wanted as a kid. Lots of attention & goodies. Instead, after the treasure hunt I (and Joshua a little) created was over, and he found the NDS Zelda game, all he wanted to do was play on the computer or NDS by himself. I resigned myself to that, and Mike took off with Joshua. Nathaniel got a good nap and I was able to finish the book Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. It was spellbinding. I kept checking on Michael periodically, and he was just thrilled with the unlimited electronics time I was giving him. To bad that will be over tomorrow. :) Later, we had exactly the dinner he requested, and then presents. What's a birthday without presents?

But the party isn't over yet. As I write I’m gearing up (mentally) for my first kid birthday party tomorrow. It’s going to be at the pool of all things. But, it’s Michael’s 8th birthday, and that’s special. I just couldn’t say no – and I really didn’t want to anyway. I think I may be more excited about it than he is.

On another note, Joshua is fun as ever. You’d think a 5-year-old would be over the “NO!” thing, but he’s just getting really good at it:
“Hey Josh do you want to help me?"
Hey, Josh do you want to play outside?"
"Joshua, do you want a cookie?"
"No!" Pause "Yes!"
"Joshua do you want to say no?"
"N-- Mama!!"
I probably shouldn't but I think it's hilarious. It is most likely just fueling his drive to say no, but I can't help it. I snicker almost every time.

And Nathaniel. In all of this Nathaniel is learning more than ever. He is able to stand by himself longer now and I can see it won't be long till he can walk. He's also learned he HATES his crib. Hates is an understatement. Loathes with every particle of his being would be a more accurate description I think. Every time I put him in there still even partially awake, he gets up and screams till I get him out. And if I put him in asleep, he screams as soon as he wakes.
I think he's figured out that if he fusses enough, Mama comes to get him, nurses him, and will fall asleep next to him. Sucker that I am, it works every time. Maybe it's time for that toddler bed. Then at least he'd have to come and get ME in the middle of the night.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I've got good news and bad news...

That't good news. Liza and Jared are excited, and I am thrilled for them. Having a boy first is awesome. It's also bad. Now instead of just giving Deborah the boy clothes and collecting the girl clothes for Liza, we have to split the baby clothes. Deborah said I should give Liza fist pick since its her first baby. I think the most fair way would be to take Liza with me to Albuquerque or bring Deborah here and have them split the baby clothes & blankets themselves. Wouldn't that be nice? All the peoples in one place...

Friday, August 1, 2008

"English, m@#!$%*#, do you speak it??"

As a mother of 3 boys I am often jealous of the moms who have a girl. Girls talk. They tell you about everything - often whether you wanted to know or not.
Boys do not talk. Michael went to his first day scout camp yesterday and the day before. He came in the door very dirty, and carrying a trinket. When I asked him what he did at camp that day, he sat down, furrowed his brow, and looked at the ground. "Honey, what did you do today?" I reiterated. He smacked his forehead, looked straight at me and said, "I don't remember." Then he ran off. What is this? Early onset of alzheimers? Wow. 2 days of scout camp, 8 hours a day really made an impression on him, huh?
I should know better by now. He doesn't usually tell me much. This was the first time I got a forehead smack and absolutely NOTHING. Every time I've asked him about school he tells me he ate lunch and went to recess. He can't even tell me what he had for lunch. The only way I know anything about what ever happens to him is if I or someone who can actually narrate was there.
More firsts: my sister-in-law is having her fist boy after having three girls. To tell me my brother called and said, "His name is Paul." So, that makes her a Paul-bearer. Ha! She is excited and appealed to me as an expert on all things baby boy. She needed to know what things she needed that are different for a boy. It came down to four things: clothes, bedding, decorations & toys. The rest is adaptable. I did warn her that her wardrobe will have to change marginally. She may need a rainslicker for diaper changing. If you don't know why, change any baby boy. ;)
My sister, Liza, is pregnant with her first baby. She had the ultrasound today. Her husband Jared called and told me they know what it is, but they’re not going to tell me. For a second I was confused and hurt. Why would they not tell me? I needed to know to be able to share clothes, and make baby blankets! Then he asked what Mike & I were doing tonight... because they wanted to tell us in person! So we’re going on a double date. I am almost as excited as I was for my own babies. Stay tuned for an update…